Admission Open for High School!

Admission Open for High School!

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Time to Apply!

Banjul American International School (BAIS) located on Atlantic Road in Fajara, is continuing its successful U.S. High School program. The special tuition rate for self-paying families will remain at $6,000 per year for grades 9-10 and $7,500 for Grades 11-12, and three seats remain open.  Bright, determined students in The Gambia who seek a world class education are urged to apply right away.

  • Gambian system: after completion of Grade 9, 10 or 11;
  • UK system: after completion of Form 3, 4, or 5 (Years 9, 10, or 11);
  • USA/Canadian system: after completion of Grade 8, 9 or 10.

BAIS Director, Myna Anderson invites families with students aged 13 to 16 to contact her via email at or WhatsApp on 219 3800 to arrange a campus tour. 

BAIS goal is to allow Gambian and expatriate families to keep their children with them at home during adolescence rather than sending them abroad, while being assured their children receive a quality education in a caring environment. As stated by the Director, “as a small school, BAIS believes it is our duty to serve families, and BAIS supports every individual student with the education s/he needs." Students find success due to the support of a cadre of highly experienced and caring high school teachers. As stated by one BAIS student who had attended other private schools in The Gambia, “BAIS is the only option to be able to study in a non-toxic environment where you can just be yourself with teachers and classmates.” 

BAIS has had a successful 40 year history as a not-for-profit, American-curriculum, internationally-minded,school.  Our graduates attend universities in the USA and the four-year program of study  prepares students for acceptance into universities and colleges in Canada, the UK, Europe, Africa, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and the Middle East, too.

The American high school program is a four-year program, rather than 3 years (as in Gambia) or 2 + 2 years (as in the UK). It comprises the same age groups as the Gambian Senior Secondary and UK IGCSE and A Level programs -- approximately 14-18 years old. The U.S. high school diploma is earned by successfully completing courses in English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Sciences, World Languages, the Arts, Technology, Physical Education & Health and other electives. Students must pass courses to earn the requisite credits required for graduation. 

BAIS is non-discriminatory and welcomes students of every nationality, gender(s), faith, preference and culture.

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